In their early 20s, when exposed to college, feminism, and new ideas, many women reach a time in their lives when they feel the urge to experiement like never before. This often occurs much to the consternation of their boyfriends, and can lead to distance and heartbreak.
My girlfriend Allison is no exception, yet her daliances have manifested themselves in a much more sinister form... she moved from Bellingham to Colorado!
Out in the Northwest, the Colorado 'scene' is often described as a bizarre amalgamation of sorority/fraternity craziness, and an uptight yuppy REI-catalog lifestyle. With visions of incessant "bro-brah-ness" in my mind, I headed out with trepidation to the Centennial state. However, my fears were soon allayed.

Allison showed me around Denver, and we went bouldering at a couple local spots. One day was at Flagstaff, on the hill east of Boulder. The other day was near the town of Morrison, about 15 minutes west of Denver overlooking a pretty little stream and the town's main drag. My opinion of Morrison remained high, when it became possible for even the brokest of dirtbag climbers to sweet-talk their way into a free milkshake from Ozzi's Espresso and Icecream.
The climbing in Morrison was sunny and a lot of fun. The highlight of the day was a rad problem (evidently an area classic) that climbed straight out of the biggest cave. We even ran into a local who had told us about Morrison while in

As long as Allison remembers how much cooler the Northwest's mountains are, I wont hold her Colorado residency against her.
I dunno Blake, I'd say you're all right, until she gets a membership at the SPOT gym. Then all bets are off! Boulder does not represent the rest of Colorado.